Datum: 11.2.2025 2:03:01 - Stran: NA DANAŠNJI DAN PO SVETU
Zgodilo se je na današnji dan 11. februar
Zgodilo se je na današnji dan 11. februar:
1. On February 11, 1840, Gaetano Donizetti's opera "La Fille du RiŠgiment" premiered in Paris.
2. In 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini seized power in Iran, leading to the establishment of an Islamic Republic.
3. The Soviet Union launched the space probe Luna 9 on February 11, 1966, which became the first spacecraft to achieve a soft landing on the moon.
4. On this day in 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years of incarceration in South Africa.
5. The United States celebrated its first observance of National Inventors' Day on February 11, 1983, honoring individuals who contribute to innovation and technological progress.
6. In 660 BC, Japan's first emperor, Jimmu, reportedly ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne, marking the beginning of the country's imperial era.
7. The modern Japanese writing system of katakana was first devised on February 11, 983 by Buddhist monk K"kai, also known as Kb Daishi.